SB 11 19 28-32 - Srivas Thakur Prabhu - ISKCON Chowpatty 2019-06-08.mp3 | 9.7 MB | SB 11 19 28 32 Nanda Mandir Prabhu - ISKCON Melbourne 2010-04-23.mp3 | 9.4 MB |
SB 11.19.28-32
sri-uddhava uvaca
yamah kati-vidhah prokto
niyamo vari-karsana
kah samah ko damah krsna
ka titiksa dhrtih prabho
kim danam kim tapah sauryam
kim satyam rtam ucyate
kas tyagah kim dhanam cestam
ko yajñah ka ca daksina
pumsah kim svid balam sriman
bhago labhas ca kesava
ka vidya hrih para ka srih
kim sukham duhkham eva ca
kah panditah kas ca murkhah
kah pantha utpathas ca kah
kah svargo narakah kah svit
ko bandhur uta kim grham
ka adhyah ko daridro va
krpanah kah ka isvarah
etan prasnan mama bruhi
viparitams ca sat-pate
Sri Uddhava said: My dear Lord Krsna, O chastiser of the enemies, please tell me how many types of disciplinary regulations and regular daily duties there are. Also, my Lord, tell me what is mental equilibrium, what is self-control, and what is the actual meaning of tolerance and steadfastness. What are charity, austerity and heroism, and how are reality and truth to be described? What is renunciation, and what is wealth? What is desirable, what is sacrifice, and what is religious remuneration? My dear Kesava, O most fortunate one, how am I to understand the strength, opulence and profit of a particular person? What is the best education, what is actual humility, and what is real beauty? What are happiness and unhappiness? Who is learned, and who is a fool? What are the true and the false paths in life, and what are heaven and hell? Who is indeed a true friend, and what is one’s real home? Who is a rich man, and who is a poor man? Who is wretched, and who is an actual controller? O Lord of the devotees, kindly explain these matters to me, along with their opposites.
All of the items mentioned in these five verses are defined in different ways by different cultures and societies throughout the world. Therefore, Sri Uddhava is directly approaching the supreme authority, Lord Krsna, to obtain the standard definition for these universal aspects of civilized life.