SB 12.12.25-26
ramasya bhargavendrasya
nihksatri-karanam bhuvah
ailasya soma-vamsasya
yayater nahusasya ca
dausmanter bharatasyapi
santanos tat-sutasya ca
yayater jyestha-putrasya
yador vamso ’nukirtitah
The Srimad-Bhagavatam describes how Lord Parasurama, the greatest descendant of Bhrgu, annihilated all the ksatriyas on the face of the earth. It further recounts the lives of glorious kings who appeared in the dynasty of the moon-god — kings such as Aila, Yayati, Nahusa, Dusmanta’s son Bharata, Santanu and Santanu’s son Bhisma. Also described is the great dynasty founded by King Yadu, the eldest son of Yayati.