SB 3.16.8
naham tathadmi yajamana-havir vitane
scyotad-ghrta-plutam adan huta-bhun-mukhena
yad brahmanasya mukhatas carato ’nughasam
tustasya mayy avahitair nija-karma-pakaih
Translation by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada:
I do not enjoy the oblations offered by the sacrificers in the sacrificial fire, which is one of My own mouths, with the same relish as I do the delicacies overflowing with ghee which are offered to the mouths of the brahmanas who have dedicated to Me the results of their activities and who are ever satisfied with My prasada.
Purport by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada:
The devotee of the Lord, or the Vaisnava, does not take anything without offering it to the Lord. Since a Vaisnava dedicates all the results of his activities to the Lord, he does not taste anything eatable which is not first offered to Him. The Lord also relishes giving to the Vaisnava’s mouth all eatables offered to Him. It is clear from this verse that the Lord eats through the sacrificial fire and the brahmana’s mouth. So many articles — grains, ghee, etc. — are offered in sacrifice for the satisfaction of the Lord. The Lord accepts sacrificial offerings from the brahmanas and devotees, and elsewhere it is stated that whatever is given for the brahmanas and Vaisnavas to eat is also accepted by the Lord. But here it is said that He accepts offerings to the mouths of brahmanas and Vaisnavas with even greater relish. The best example of this is found in the life of Advaita Prabhu in his dealings with Haridasa Thakura. Even though Haridasa was born of a Muhammadan family, Advaita Prabhu offered him the first dish of prasada after the performance of a sacred fire ceremony. Haridasa Thakura informed him that he was born of a Muhammadan family and asked why Advaita Prabhu was offering the first dish to a Muhammadan instead of an elevated brahmana. Out of his humbleness, Haridasa condemned himself a Muhammadan, but Advaita Prabhu, being an experienced devotee, accepted him as a real brahmana. Advaita Prabhu asserted that by offering the first dish to Haridasa Thakura, he was getting the result of feeding one hundred thousand brahmanas. The conclusion is that if one can feed a brahmana or Vaisnava, it is better than performing hundreds of thousands of sacrifices. In this age, therefore, it is recommended that harer nama — chanting the holy name of God — and pleasing the Vaisnava are the only means to elevate oneself to spiritual life.