SB 01 14 43 - Gaur Vilas Prabhu - ISKCON Chowpatty 2022-11-15.mp3 | 13.3 MB |
SB 01 14 43 - Shyam Mukunda Prabhu - Los Angeles 2019-04-25.mp3 | 9.0 MB |
SB 1.14.43
api svit parya-bhunkthas tvam
sambhojyan vrddha-balakan
jugupsitam karma kiñcit
krtavan na yad aksamam
Translation by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada:
Have you not taken care of old men and boys who deserve to dine with you? Have you left them and taken your meals alone? Have you committed some unpardonable mistake which is considered to be abominable?
Purport by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada:
It is the duty of a householder to feed first of all the children, the old members of the family, the brahmanas and the invalids. Besides that, an ideal householder is required to call for any unknown hungry man to come and dine before he himself goes to take his meals. He is required to call for such a hungry man thrice on the road. The neglect of this prescribed duty of a householder, especially in the matter of the old men and children, is unpardonable.