Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 03, Chapter 12, Text 19

SB 3.12.19

tapasaiva param jyotir
 bhagavantam adhoksajam
 añjasa vindate puman
Translation by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada: 
By penance only can one even approach the Personality of Godhead, who is within the heart of every living entity and at the same time beyond the reach of all senses.
Purport by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada: 
Rudra was advised by Brahma to perform penance as an example to his sons and followers that penance is necessary for attaining the favor of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In Bhagavad-gita it is said that the common mass of people follow the path shown by an authority. Thus Brahma, disgusted with the Rudra generations and afraid of being devoured by the increase of population, asked Rudra to stop producing such an unwanted generation and take to penance for attaining the favor of the Supreme Lord. Therefore we find in pictures that Rudra is always sitting in meditation for the attainment of the favor of the Lord. Indirectly, the sons and followers of Rudra are advised to stop the business of annihilation, following the Rudra principle while the peaceful creation of Brahma is going on.
Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 03, Chapter 12, Text 18
Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 03, Chapter 12, Text 20