SB 03 21 29-30 - Bhakti Charu Swami - Ujjain 2010-04-12.mp3 | 23.9 MB | SB 03 21 29-30 - Sucaru Prabhu - 2016-05-04 ISKCON Melbourne.mp3 | 21.1 MB |
SB 3.21.29
ya ta atma-bhrtam viryam
navadha prasavisyati
virye tvadiye rsaya
adhasyanty añjasatmanah
Translation by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada:
She will bring forth nine daughters from the seed sown in her by you, and through the daughters you beget, the sages will duly beget children.