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SB 3.23.31
snatam krta-sirah-snanam
niska-grivam valayinam
Translation by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada:
Her entire body, including her head, was completely bathed, and she was decorated all over with ornaments. She wore a special necklace with a locket. There were bangles on her wrists and tinkling anklets of gold about her ankles.
Purport by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada:
The word krta-sirah-snanam appears here. According to the smrti-sastra’s directions for daily duties, ladies are allowed to bathe daily up to the neck. The hair on the head does not necessarily have to be washed daily because the mass of wet hair may cause a cold. For ladies, therefore, taking a bath up to the neck is ordinarily prescribed, and they take a full bath only on certain occasions. On this occasion Devahuti took a full bath and washed her hair very nicely. When a lady takes an ordinary bath it is called mala-snana, and when she takes a full bath, including the head, it is called sirah-snana. At this time she needs sufficient oil to smear on her head. That is the direction of the commentators of smrti-sastra.