SB 10.33.30
naitat samacarej jatu
manasapi hy anisvarah
vinasyaty acaran maudhyad
yatharudro ’bdhi-jam visam
One who is not a great controller should never imitate the behavior of ruling personalities, even mentally. If out of foolishness an ordinary person does imitate such behavior, he will simply destroy himself, just as a person who is not Rudra would destroy himself if he tried to drink an ocean of poison.
Lord Siva, or Rudra, once drank an ocean of poison, and the result was that an attractive blue mark appeared on his neck. But if we were to drink even a drop of such poison, we would die immediately. Just as we should not imitate this pastime of Siva’s, we should not imitate Lord Krsna’s activities with the gopis. We should clearly understand that while Lord Krsna certainly descends to demonstrate religious principles, He also descends to demonstrate that He is God and we are not. That also must be demonstrated. The Lord enjoys with His internal potency and thus attracts us to the spiritual platform. We should not try to imitate Krsna, for we will suffer severely.