Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 10, Chapter 54, Text 35

SB 10.54.35

cailena baddhva tam asadhu-karinam
 sa-smasru-kesam pravapan vyarupayat
tavan mamarduh para-sainyam adbhutam
 yadu-pravira nalinim yatha gajah
Lord Krsna tied up the evil-doer with a strip of cloth. He then proceeded to disfigure Rukmi by comically shaving him, leaving parts of his mustache and hair. By that time the Yadu heroes had crushed the extraordinary army of their opponents, just as elephants crush a lotus flower.
Lord Krsna used His same sharp sword to give the wicked Rukmi a peculiar haircut.
Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 10, Chapter 54, Text 34
Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 10, Chapter 54, Text 36