SB 10.68.5
iti karnah salo bhurir
yajñaketuh suyodhanah
sambam arebhire yoddhum
After saying this and having their plan sanctioned by the senior member of the Kuru dynasty, Karna, Sala, Bhuri, Yajñaketu and Suyodhana set out to attack Samba.
Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura explains that the elder of the Kurus mentioned here is Bhisma, who gave permission to the younger men as follows: “Since this maiden has now been touched by Samba, she cannot take any other husband. He must become her husband. Nonetheless, you should arrest him and tie him up to make a statement about his impropriety and our own prowess. But in no case should he be killed.” The acarya also adds that Bhisma accompanied the five warriors mentioned in this verse.