SB 10.90.8-9
upagiyamano gandharvair
vadayadbhir muda vinam
sicyamano ’cyutas tabhir
hasantibhih sma recakaih
pratisiñcan vicikride
yaksibhir yaksa-rad iva
Translation by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada:
As Gandharvas joyfully sang His praises to the accompaniment of mrdanga, panava and anaka drums, and as professional reciters known as Sutas, Magadhas and Vandis played vinas and recited poems praising Him, Lord Krsna would play with His wives in the water. Laughing, the queens would squirt water on Him with syringes, and He would squirt them back. Thus Krsna would sport with His queens in the same way that the lord of the Yaksas sports with the Yaksi nymphs.