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SB 11.26.4
ailah samrad imam gatham
agayata brhac-chravah
urvasi-virahan muhyan
nirvinnah soka-samyame
The following song was sung by the famous emperor Pururava. When deprived of his wife, Urvasi, he was at first bewildered, but by controlling his lamentation he began to feel detachment.
This story is also narrated in the Ninth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam. Aila, or Pururava, was a great king whose glories were vast. On being separated from Urvasi, he felt great bewilderment at first. But after meeting her briefly at Kuruksetra, he worshiped the demigods with the sacrificial fire given him by the Gandharvas and received the privilege of entering the planet where she resided.